About Us

My Student Info was developed in collaboration with teachers, students and education workers to find efficiencies and support the work done in schools.

In the words of Eli from Wemmicksville, we "do the most what we do the best".

Need Help?

If you have any issues with this site or your account, please send us an email for assistance in resolving the issue.

Welcome to MyStudentInfo

Log In Here

Log In: Step 1

Click on the Login button above.

Log In: Step 2

You will be asked for permission to access your Google account. All this means is that this site wants to know your first and last name, as well as your email address and you are allowing Google to tell us this information since you are already logged into your Google account. It does not mean that we get access to your account, emails, calendars or docs in any way. Press the "Allow access" button to continue.

Log In: Step 3

There is no Step 3. It's that easy.